Mantra Practices

Lets talk about mantras & momentum!

Mantras are a type of meditative practice. Mantra-based meditation (MBM) involves continuous repetition of a word, phrase or set of syllables. The goal of mantra work is to redirect negative and intrusive automatic thoughts. We believe that the goal of mantra work is to establish a grounding state and encourage momentum towards feeling & being better. 

Mantras serve many purposes, with cleansing and protection mantras being two well-known types. A cleansing mantra involves using affirmative and repetitive statements to purify the mind and body. These statements, such as "I am cleansing my mind and body" or "I release today's experiences," can effectively foster letting go of mental and physical attachments to various encounters. On the other hand, protective mantras are centered around crafting affirmations that create a shield of protection around the mind and body. Examples of protective mantras include statements like "I am ready for whatever comes my way," "I possess inner strength," and "I am more than enough." These affirmations fortify mental and emotional resilience, providing security and empowerment.

Research suggests that continual daily practice of mantras can reduce anxiety, depression, stress and mental health related quality of life (Alvarez-Perez et al., 2022). These benefits can come from consistent use of repetitive statements and are relatively easy to integrate into your daily routine. Here are some steps to help you use mantras effectively in your daily life:

  • 1) Select Your Mantra: Choose a mantra that resonates with your current goals, needs, or intentions. It can be a single word, a phrase, or a sentence. Make sure it has a positive and meaningful impact on you.
  • 2) Cleansing & Protective Mantra: Begin your day with a mantra. You can recite it as you wake up, during your morning meditation, or while doing your morning routine. This sets a positive tone for the day ahead.
  • 3) Repeat Throughout the Day: Repeating your chosen mantra throughout the day can help you stay focused and centered. You can silently repeat it to yourself during moments of stress, anxiety, or distraction.
  • 4) Use During Meditation: Mantras are commonly used during meditation to enhance focus and clarity. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and repeat your mantra either silently or aloud. Let it guide your meditation practice.
  • 5) Affirmations: Turn your mantra into an affirmation. For example, if your mantra is "I am confident," create an affirmation like "I am confident, and I believe in myself." Write it down, display it where you can see it, or set it as a daily reminder on your phone.
  • 6) Journaling: Incorporate your mantra into your journaling practice. Write it down daily, and reflect on how it has impacted your thoughts, emotions, and actions.
  • 7) Visualization: Use your mantra as part of a visualization exercise. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and visualize yourself embodying the qualities or intentions of your mantra.
  • 8) Bedtime Reflection: End your day with your mantra. Reflect on how it influenced your thoughts and actions during the day. Express gratitude for the positive changes it brought.
  • 9) Create a Mantra Space: Designate a specific space in your home where you can focus on your mantra practice. It could be a quiet corner, a meditation space, or even a room with soothing decor.
  • 10) Stay Consistent: The key to reaping the benefits of mantras is consistency. Make using your mantra a daily habit, and over time, you may notice positive changes in your mindset and well-being.

Remember that the effectiveness of mantras varies from person to person so we encourage you to explore different mantras until you find the ones that resonate most with you and align with your personal goals and intentions. Interested in trying cleansing and protective mantras? We have a toolkit designed with this specific purpose in mind on our website, please feel free to check in out in our shop!


Alvarez-Perez et al. (2022). Effectiveness of mantra based meditation on mental health: a systemic review and meta-analysis. Retrieved from