Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

What is the therapeutic approach behind the Feeling & Being Better Collection?

Answer: Dialectical Behavioral Therapy! Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), developed by Marsha Linehan, encompasses four key skills training techniques: mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness. DBT is particularly noteworthy because it was the first therapy to incorporate mindfulness as an evidence-based practice, making it a pivotal and transformative approach within the mental health field.

The overall goal of DBT skills training is to help individuals increase their resilience and build a life experience worth living. DBT skills aim to teach a synthesis of how to change what is and how to accept what is. These skills teach individuals how to change unwanted behaviors, emotions, thoughts, and events in their lives that cause misery and distress and how to live in the moment and accept what is. With the key four skills training techniques, DBT offers a new lens through which to see and navigate the world. Let's work to break down each life skill a little more. 

Mindfulness is a critical component of DBT. It teaches individuals how to observe and experience reality as it is, be less judgmental, and live in the moment effectively. Emotion regulation skills help individuals manage their emotions, even though someone cannot consistently achieve emotional control. Distress tolerance skills teach individuals how to tolerate and survive crises without worsening things. Interpersonal effectiveness skills help individuals manage interpersonal conflicts effectively and maintain and improve relationships with others, both those they are close to and strangers.

Collectively, these skills increase one's ability to balance acceptance and change, essential for personal growth and overall healing. DBT also encourages using one's "wise mind," which balances the logical and rational mind. This approach is helpful for people struggling with various disorders and challenges and is the evidence-based therapeutic approach that inspired our Feeling & Being Better Collection. Our Feeling & Being Better Collection has 8 different toolkits that reinforce each of these topics and provide guidance on how to incorporate DBT-inspired techniques in your everyday life. To learn more about this collection and its offerings, please check out our shop!