Our Collaborations

South Central Community Services - Chicago

Providing mental health education services for the students at South Central was an honor and joy! Utilizing our Think & Behave Better curriculum alongside a trauma-informed lens, I provided a class on how to challenge negative thoughts. Several of the students had the opportunity to share current challenges they experienced at home and at school, which provided them the opportunity to be heard and feel supported. Our psycho-educational model always leaves participants with a technique to equip them with mental health tools alongside the lesson for the day! Each of the students shared a positive affirmation that they crafted and were affirmed by the entire group. What a powerful opportunity for students to learn, grow and leave with a technique that will serve them for the rest of their lives!

Gail Borden Public Library - Elgin

We had the opportunity to partner with the Gail Borden Library and offer a FREE mental health education course to the community with a focus on challenging negative thoughts and uncovering core beliefs that hold us back. With a session of about 20 community members, each participant felt comfortable enough to share very personal experiences with the group, which was a powerful experience for us all! From topics of anxiety to panic to self esteem and self worth, participants were able to express themselves and learn about our Think & Behave Better Collection and techniques all at the same time. Each leaving with a sense of knowing what to do in the midst of challenges, we were honored to serve the community in such an amazing way! We will be offering another FREE session in March 2024!

Program House - South Elgin

Partnering with The Program House and offering our Think & Behave Better Series has been such a beautiful experience. Each week I meet with the women of the house to provide a meditative and grounding practice alongside a mental health education session. During each session the women get to learn and share how they see this technique helping them alongside their road to recovery. With an open mind and heart, each of these women step into who they truly want to be and it is truly a beautiful experience to witness as a teacher. 

Family Service Association of Greater Elgin

Working with FSA has been such an honor! We provided a training with 15 staff members on how to utilize our curriculum with clients and also had the opportunity to allow them to experience a session for themselves. What a great team building exercise! We will be working with clients at the FSA offering our Think & Behave Better collection series beginning April 2024!